Lots of them have been converted, but not all. DirectX 11 effects: DirectX 9 shaders have to be converted before you can use them with the DirectX 11 runtime.
In a future update we'll add options to avoid embedding fonts or add a list of fonts to include. This means all the fonts you use must be in existing objects. By default Fusion embeds the TTF files of the fonts used in the objects of your application. DirectX 11 fonts: the way fonts are managed in this runtime is very different from the other Windows runtimes (see the Fusion 2.5+ DLC section in the documentation). If your app needs true full screen mode, then it might be a bit slower than with the previous version until we fix this issue.

We'll make a true full screen mode work in a future update patch, hopefully very soon. DirectX 11 full screen: in the first release, the Change Resolution Mode option (or Set Full Screen action) is a fake full screen in DirectX 11 mode, it's more a "Maximize and Stretch mode". Surface (previous version was not optimized for DirectX 11) Ini++1.5 (previous version was crashing in Load / Save Object functions) Also if you use the following extensions, make sure you get the latest version from the extension manager: This list doesn't mention the issues that have been fixed in previous builds of the build 292. Please make sure you've installed the build 292.4. Some last minute info about 2.5+, known issues, things we are still working on, etc.