The whole album treads the line finely between sex and love. Like it's a weak little defence mechanism trying to sound tough and convince himself that he's "some kind of player or something". It's funny that the little voice inside of him that yells out "Ice Cold" seems almost comically feeble. It's right there in the skit: "Don't fall for her Ice Cold. It's like he was at a point in his life wherein there was a part of him that wanted to settle down, but another part of him that didn't want to get hurt again (after his relationship with Eryka Badu failed). The dual meanings of the title (the loving meaning vs the sexual meaning) seem to fight it out throughout the whole album. Related Subreddits: r/ShittyFanTheories r/AskScienceFiction r/AnimeTheory r/plotholes r/pokemonconspiracies r/trailers r/fixtheending Meta - Posts regarding the sub-Reddit itself. Star Wars - All works related the Star Wars franchise.Ĭonfirmed - Theories which have turned out to be right but must be back up with supporting external evidence. Marvel - All works related to Marvel content, MCU, video games and Comics.

We ask that you flair your post based on these criteria:įanTheory - A theory regarding past or present works.įanSpeculation - A theory speculating the contents of future works.
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We also do not take too kindly to reposts or stolen content either, if you have copied and pasted a theory or article from elsewhere, you must make it abundantly clear that the idea belongs to someone else and give full credit. Low effort posts include submissions that are just a title, posts that are joke/meme related or those with no evidence in them. Whether it's the name of the movie, show or video game, please tell us what you're talking about by putting the name in the title. Rule 5 - Add the media name to your title And for posts that are not marked with the spoiler flair, please use spoiler tags in the comment section: (#spoiler) Please do not include spoilers in the title of your posts, be as vague as possible. TV shows, movies, video games, anime, comic books, novels and even songs are things we like to see, but events pertaining to real life are not. Rule 3 - Theories must be about creative works It's okay to dislike a theory but it's not okay to dislike a person because they don't agree with you, so please treat people with respect.įor more information, please read our in-depth policy on this rule.Įvidence makes for a good theory, this will be judged at the discretion of the mods.